2022.2-至今 | 我校土木建筑工程学院 | 教授 |
2020.11-2022.2 | 澳大利亚蒙纳士(Monash)大学土木工程学院 | 高级讲师 |
2017.11-2020.11 | 澳大利亚蒙纳士(Monash)大学土木工程学院 | 讲师 |
2014.10-2017.11 | 澳大利亚蒙纳士(Monash)大学土木工程学院 | 博士后 |
2011.11-2014.10 | 澳大利亚GHD国际工程咨询公司 | 工程师 |
2008.7-2012.11 | 澳大利亚悉尼大学土木工程学院 | 博士 |
2004.9-2006.12 | 湖南工业大学土木工程学院 | 硕士 |
2001.9-2005.6 | 湖南工业大学土木工程学院 | 本科 |
1. 基于高精度三维扫描的粗粒填料破碎前后球度参数演变规律,2024年
2. 循环加卸载过程中钙质砂压缩、破碎特性及形状演化规律试验研究,2024年
1. 煤矿深部开采灾害智能协同与风险防控关键技术与装备,国家重点研发计划,2024年;
2. 融合卫星雷达干涉测量信息的库岸岩石高边坡长期变形机制及预测(编号:2042024kf0032),中央高校学科交叉团队建设和培育专项,2024年;
3. 三维应力下考虑粒径演变的堆石料破碎机理及高土石坝稳定(编号:52278367),国家自然科学基金面试项目,2022-2026年;
4. 岩土工程材料本构理论研究及其在工程防灾减灾中的应用,国家自然科学基金,优秀青年科学基金项目(海外),2022-2024年;
5. 我校人才计划科研启动项目,2022-2028年;
6. 边坡地震位移导致跨河谷桥梁墩柱-桩-土基础失稳破坏机理及易损性分析(编号:52079045),国家自然科学基金面试项目,2021-2024年;
7. 微波破岩:实验、微观机理和数值模拟研究(编号:SKLGDUEK1913),中国矿业大学‧深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室开放基金课题,2019-2020。
1. 《通识课程小班研讨教学和学生成人教育》,2023;
2. 《偶遇与成长-我校通识教育的探索与实践》,2024。
Zhang C, Nguyen G D, Einav I (2013). The end-bearing capacity of piles penetrating into crushable soils. Geotechnique, 63(5): 341-354. 岩土顶刊《Géotechnique》最佳论文奖
[1] Guan C, Zhang C*, Li C (2025). "Influence of Real Particle Morphology on Single Particle Crushing Behavior of Rockfill based on FDEM".Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, V17, N6
[2] Chen J, Zhang C*, Li C, Guan C (2024). A state-dependent bounding surface model of coarse-grained materials considering effect of initial grain size distribution. Computers and Geotechnics, 169 (2024) 106187.
[3] Qian J, Zhang C*, Zhou W, Tang Y, Li J, Li C (2024). A thermodynamically consistent constitutive model for soil-rock mixtures: A focus on initial fine content and particle crushing. Computers and Geotechnics, 169 (2024) 206233
[4] Tang Y, Zhang C*, Li C, Zhao J (2024). A simple gradation-state-dependent model for granular materials. Computers and Geotechnics
[5] Wang Z, Zhang C* (2024). Computational modelling of microwave-induced fractures in igneous rocks using phase field method. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 176 (2024) 105719
[6] Weiru Zhou, Chunshun Zhang, Lei He, Junfeng Qian, Run Shi (2023). A Thermodynamically Consistent 3D Breakage Model Considering Intermediate Principal Stress for Granular Crushing Problems. International Journal of Geomechanics, 23(11): 04023189
[7] Wen S, Huang R, Zhang C*, Zhao X (2023). Mechanical behavior and failure mechanism of composite layered rocks under dynamic tensile loading. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 170 (2023) 105533
[8] Wen S, Zhang C* (2022). Experimental and simulation study on rock-breaking efficiency of disc cutters on composite rocks, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 153, 105089
[9] Zhao Y, Zhang C*, Wang Y, Lin H (2021). Shear-related roughness classification and strength model of natural rock joint based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 137, 104550 高被引论文
[10] Zhao Y, Liu Q, Zhang C*, Liao J, Lin H, Wang Y (2021). Coupled seepage-damage effect in fractured rock masses: model development and a case study. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 144, 10482
[11] Yu C, Tian W, Zhang C*, Chai S, Cheng X, Wang X (2021). Temperature-dependent mechanical properties and crack propagation modes of 3D printed sandstones. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 146, 104868
[12] Long H, Wang Z, Zhang C*, Zhuang H, Chen W, Peng C (2021).Nonlinear study on the structure-soil-structure interaction of seismic response among high-rise buildings. Engineering Structures, 242, 112550.
[13] Wen S, Zhang C*, Chang Y, Hu P (2020). Dynamic compression characteristics of layered rock mass of significant strength changes for adjacent layers. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 12 (2): 353-365
[14] Lin H, Lei D, Zhang C*, Wang Y, Zhao Y (2020). Deterioration of non-persistent rock joints: A focus on impact of freeze–thaw cycles. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 135, 104535
[15] Wang Y, Shan S, Zhang C*, Guo P (2019). Seismic response of tunnel lining structure in a thick expansive soil stratum. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 88: 250-259. 高被引论文、热点论文
[16] Ji J, Zhang C, Gao Y, Kodikara J (2019). Reliability-based design for geotechnical engineering: An inverse FORM approach for practice. Computers and Geotechnics, 111: 22-29 高被引论文
1. 一种基于表单程序实现供水管线破坏与服役寿命预测方法
2. 石坝堆石料强度参数演化预估软件
3. 冻融损伤后单颗粒强度预测软件
4. 冲击荷载作用下颗粒破碎后形态参数预测软件
2022:岩土数值计算领域顶刊《Computers and Geotechnics》最佳论文奖(排2)
2020: 卓越教学奖, Monash University
2019: 卓越教学奖, Monash University
2019: 高被引及热点论文一篇;高被引论文一篇
2018: 卓越教学奖, Monash University
2018: 高被引论文一篇
2018: 杰出审稿人: 《Computers & Geotechnics》;《Powder Technology》;《Transportation Geotechnics》
2016: 国际水协会研究创新奖
2016: 澳大利亚水协会研究创新奖
2016: 澳大利亚水协会新南威尔士州研究创新奖
2016: 澳大利亚商业高等教育圆桌会议最佳研究与开发合作奖
2014: 岩土顶刊《Géotechnique》最佳论文奖(排1;创刊50年来首位华人获奖学者)
2014: 英国土木工程师协会乔治‧斯蒂芬森奖章(排1)
2012: 澳大利亚岩土力学学会(AGS)新南威尔士州研究奖(排1)
武汉岩土工程学会第六届理事会 常务理事(2024-2029)
协会会员: Engineers Australia、Australian Geomechanics Society, International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM), International Association of Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG), International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)