近5年主要论文著作: 1.黄启乐,陈伟,傅旭东.斜坡单元支持下区域泥石流灾害危险性AHP-RBF评价模型研究[J].浙江大学学报(工学版), 2018, 52(9) 2. Chen Wei, Han Hongxing, Huang Bin, Huang Qile, Fu Xudong. A data-driven approach for landslide susceptibility mapping: a case study of Shennongjia Forestry District, China[J]. Geomatics Natural Hazards & Risk, 2018, 9(1) 3. B. Huang, Y.T. Zhang, X.D. Fu*, B. J. Zhang. Study on Visualization and Failure Mode of Model Test of Rock-Socketed Pile in Soft Rock. Geotechnical Testing Journal. 2018. https://doi.org/10.1520/GTJ20170348. 4. B. Huang, Y.T. Zhang, B. Lv, Z.J. Yang, X.D. Fu*, B.J. Zhang. Vertical Bearing Characteristics of Rock-socketed Pile in a Synthetic Soft Rock. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. 2018.https://doi.org/10.1080/19648189.2018.1518793. 5.张雨廷,黄斌,张爽,傅旭东*.三种原状土动力特性试验研究[J].人民长江, 2018, 49(08) 6.张雨廷,黄斌,吕布,傅旭东*.同一试样上的多级加载动弹模量和阻尼比试验[J].长江科学院院报, 2017, 34(8) 7.黄启乐,陈伟,唐绪波,傅旭东.区域地质灾害评价中斜坡单元划分方法研究[J].自然灾害学报,2017,26(5) 8. Can Mei, Qing Fang, Haowei Luo, Jiangang Yin, and Xudong Fu. A synthetic material to simulate soft rocks and its applications for model studies of socketed piles. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2017, 1-8. 9. C. Mei, X. D. Fu, B. Huang, B. J. Zhang, Z.Y. Yang. Bearing mechanism of a single socketed pile in soft rock. 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2017.09, Korea. 10. Hongxing Han, Wei Chen, Bin Huang, Xudong Fu. Numerical simulation of the influence of particle shape on the mechanical properties of rockfill materials[J]. Engineering Computations, 2017, 34(7) 11. Wei Chen, Hongxing Han, Bin Huang, Qile Huang and Xudong Fu. Variable-Weighted Linear Combination Model for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: Case Study in the Shennongjia Forestry District, China[J]. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2017, 6 12.唐绪波,傅旭东,黄启乐.神农架林区滑坡灾害易发性评价研究[J].公路工程, 2017,42(5) 13. Ben-jiao Zhang, Can Mei, Bin Huang, Xu-dong Fu, et al. Model test to evaluate the bearing capacity and accumulated settlement of a single pile in soft rock under axial cyclic loading. Geomechanics and Engineering, 2017, 12(4) 14.韩洪兴,陈伟,邱子锋,傅旭东.考虑破碎的堆石料二维颗粒流数值模拟[J].岩土工程学报,2016, 38(S2) 15.饶军,沈简,唐绪波,等.基于信息熵的模糊综合评价法及其在滑坡危险性评价中的应用[J].长江科学院报, 2017, 34(6) 16.邱子锋,沈简,傅旭东,罗浩威.基于最优加权组合预测的隧道监控量测数据分析[J].长江科学院院报, 2016(05) 17.沈简,饶军,傅旭东.基于模糊综合评价法的泥石流风险评价[J].灾害学, 2016(02) 18.徐礼华,傅旭东,彭华,杜新喜,傅少君,邹勇,安旭文.土木工程专业复合型创新人才培养体系的构建与实践[J].高等建筑教育, 2016(01) 19.张本蛟,黄斌,傅旭东,肖磊.水泥土芯样强度变形特性及本构关系试验研究[J].岩土力学, 2015(12) 20.黄斌,傅旭东,张本蛟,邱子锋.动弹模量阻尼比测试技术与归一化特性研究[J].岩土工程学报, 2015(04) 21.温勇,杨光华,傅旭东,钟志辉,姚捷.基于广义位势理论的岩土塑性应变增量方向非唯一性问题[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2015(04) 22. Bin Huang, Zhan-lin Cheng, Wei Zhang,Xu-dong Fu, Han Xu. Expansion model test of expansive soil in different stress state[J]. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 2015(02) 23. ZHONG Zhi-hui, YANG Guang-hua,FU Xu-dong, WEN Yong, ZHANG Yu-cheng. Numerical verification of similar Cam-clay model based on generalized potential theory[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2014(12) 24.钟志辉,杨光华,傅旭东,温勇,张玉成.基于广义位势理论的本构模型的数值试验验证[J].岩石力学与工程学报, 2014(S2) 25. YANG Guang-hua, ZHONG Zhi-hui,FU Xu-dong, ZHANG Yu-cheng, WEN Yong, ZHANG Ming-fei. Slope analysis based on local strength reduction method and variable-modulus elasto-plastic model[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2014(05) 26. Yu, SB; Merifield, RS; Lyamin, AV;Fu, XD. Kinematic limit analysis of pullout capacity for plate anchors in sandy slopes [J]. Structural engineering and mechanics, 2014(04) 27.温勇,杨光华,钟志辉,傅旭东,张玉成.基于广义位势理论的土的非共轴特性研究[J].岩土力学, 2014(S1) 28.傅旭东,徐礼华,杜新喜,傅少君.土木工程卓越工程师培养方案探索与实践[J].高等建筑教育, 2014(03) 29. Wu, Xin-xing; Lu, Ying-fa; Fu, Xu-dong. Mechanism and theoretical calculations of buttress anti-slide pile. International Conference on Structures and Building Materials (ICSBM 2013), 2013 出版教材: 1陈晓平,傅旭东.土力学与基础工程(第二版).普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,全国水利行业“十三五”规划教材,中国建筑工业出版社, 2016(第2主编) 2参编《土力学》,21世纪高等学校土木工程类系列教材,我校出版社,2004 3参编《土力学与基础工程》,广东省高等学校“十一五”省级本科教材,中国建筑工业出版社,2008 4参编《高等土力学》,土木工程研究生系列教材,机械工业出版社,2006 出版专著: 1金亚兵,傅旭东.滑坡泥石流灾害风险评价研究及其应用.地质出版社,2018.07 2王长德,夏富洲.大型渡槽结构与施工技术.长江出版社,2017.06(参编,撰写:第三章大型渡槽下部结构设计及优化) 发明专利: 1一种基于CT扫描的单桩承载机理物理模型试验装置(ZL201410213046.1) 2一种可适应自由剪切变形的活动板叠环剪切仪(CN201510285570.4) |