主要论文著作 1. Lianghao Zou, Shuguo Liang*, Q. S. Li, Lin Zhao, Yaojun Ge, Investigation of 3-D Dynamic Wind Loads on Lattice Towers, Wind and Structures, 2008 11(4) 323-340 SCI: 328GH EI:20092812173051 2. Lianghao Zou, Guoji Xu*, C. S. Cai, Shuguo Liang, Wind Tunnel Tests of 3D Wind Loads on Tall Buildings Based on Torsional Motion-Induced Vibrations, Wind and Structures, 2016 23(3) 565-583 SCI:WOS:000345187000006 AT8MJ EI:20145100337178 3. Lianghao Zou, Tianyi Shi, Jie Song*, C. S. Cai, Application of the high-frequency base balance technique to tall slender structures considering the effects of higher modes, Engineering Structures, 2017 151(11): 1-10 4. Shuguo Liang, Lianghao Zou*, Dahai Wang, Guoqing Huang, Analysis of three dimensional equivalent static wind loads of symmetric high-rise buildings based on wind tunnel tests, Wind and Structures, 2014 19(5) 565-583 SCI:WOS:000345187000006 AT8MJ EI:20145100337178 5. Shuguo Liang, Lianghao Zou, Dahai Wang, Hong Cao, Investigation on wind tunnel tests of a full aeroelastic model of electrical transmission tower-line system, Engineering Structures, 2015 85(15): 63-72 SCI 6. 邹良浩,梁枢果,半刚性模型风洞试验荷载谱的处理方法,实验流体力学,2007 21(3):76-81 (EI检索:074410900229) 7. 邹良浩,梁枢果,李辉民,矩形高层建筑扭转向风振响应简化计算,沈阳建筑大学学报(自然科学版),2008 24 (3):375-379 (EI检索:082611337454) 8. 邹良浩,梁枢果,刘亚琦,有锥度圆截面高耸结构的横风向风振响应简化计算,重庆建筑大学学报,2005 27(6):33-38 9. 邹良浩,梁枢果,顾明,高层建筑气动阻尼评估的随机减量技术,华中科技大学学报(城市科学版),2003 20(1):30-33 10. 邹良浩,梁枢果,邹垚,熊铁华,格构式塔架风载体型系数的风洞试验研究,特种结构,2008 25(5):41-43 68 11. 邹良浩,梁枢果,熊铁华,赵林,葛耀君,格构式塔架顺风向风振响应分析,土木建筑与环境工程,2009 31(3):42-47 (EI检索:20094512429401) 12. 邹良浩,温四清,董卫国,徐金虎,梁枢果,援莫桑比克国家体育场风荷载相干函数与风致响应分析,我校学报(工学版),2010 43(4):472-476 13. 邹良浩,梁枢果,徐金虎,李茂新,王万里,张号军,大型煤气柜风振响应与抗风性能分析,振动、测试与诊断,2011 31(1):41:44 (EI检索:20111513910621) 14. 邹良浩,梁枢果,汪大海,熊铁华,基于风洞试验的对称截面高层建筑三维等效静力风荷载研究,建筑结构学报,2012 33(11):27-35 (EI检索:20125015787120) 15. 邹良浩,梁枢果,王述良,基于气弹模型风洞试验的输电塔气动阻尼研究,振动、测试与诊断,2015 35(2):268-275 EI 16. 邹良浩,李峰,汤怀强,梁枢果,基于HFFB试验的结构广义荷载与风振响应分析,振动、测试与诊断,2018 183(1):103-110 EI 17. 邹良浩,施天翼,梁枢果,宋杰,李峰,考虑二阶振型的高层建筑顺风向风振响应简化计算,建筑结构学报,2018 39(3):18-25 EI 18. 吴鹏,邹良浩,梁枢果,矩形超高层建筑扭转风振响应的风洞试验研究,武汉理工大学学报,2014 36(10):1-5 19. 汤怀强,邹良浩,梁枢果,吴鹏,王磊,基于扭转强迫振动风洞试验的矩形截面高层建筑三维风荷载研究,振动与冲击,2016 35(7):116-123 EI 20. Lianghao Zou, Shuguo Liang, Wei Tian, Yinquan Han and Haiyang Wu, Investigation on Along-Wind Vibration of Lattice Towers. 12th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Australia, Cairns, 2007, 1055-1062 21. Liang-hao Zou, Shu-guo Liang, Lin Zhao Yaojun Ge, Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Dynamic Characteristic of Transmission Tower-Line System, Proceedings of The Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, November 8-12, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan 775-778 (ISBN:978-986-6717-43-7) 22. Liang-hao Zou, Shu-guo Liang, Haiyang Wu, Aiqiang Shu, Analysis of wind-induced dynamic responses of high-voltage long span electrical transmission tower-line system, Proceeding of the 9th international symposium on cable dynamic(ISCD), October 18-20 2011 Shanghai China 423-430 (ISSN: 2030-742X) 23. Lianghao Zou, Shuguo Liang, Tiehua Xiong, Lin Zhao, Analysis of High Order Mode Generalized Force and Wind-Induced Vibration of Lattice Towers, Proceeding of the 14th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference(APVC14), December 5-8 2011 Hongkong China 547-555 (ISBN:978-962-367-732-5) |